Working in a confined space- a closed zone contain nitrogen pipe- is very risky. i worked for 5 years at petrochemical company, the N2 has no odour, or smell. If were N2 leaks frome the pipes, and the operator forgot to brought the Gas Tester with him it maybe takes 6 sec to die because the N2 throw out the Oxygen. There is no warning or sign indicate that the zone is full of N2. One person was welding a pipe at confined space area he forgot to brought the GasTester with him unluckily there were N2 leaks from the pipe the welder directly died, once his friend saw the man lying on the zone went to risk him, but he followed him to die , both men were died because of N2 leaks, if they were brought the Gas Tester then if any leaks happened it will give him alarm.